Meet your Tutors

Philip ODell Mark Holden

Our Photography Holiday Tutors

All of our photography holiday tutors are experienced and inspiring photographers who will ensure your perfect photography experience. To get to know each of our photography tutors and to see what to expect from an Italian or Moroccoan photography week, find out more about them below!

Philip Odell

Started his photographic journey back in the 1970’s and has been taking photos ever since. Having attended many residential workshops ranging from studio portraiture, food and products at the London School of Photography, landscape and wildlife, Philip’s main interest these days lies in landscape, wildlife and people. He particularly loves using black and white photography to explore abstract shapes and shadows.

As a freelance trainer and consultant, Philip spent many years conducting training courses and workshops using Adobe’s Creative Suite products including Photoshop and Lightroom. As a Flavours tutor his desire is for people to return home with a new, or renewed sense of achievement and confidence, and to also appreciate what can be achieved when you are out and about with only an iPhone or similar device to hand.

He also wants to help people to make better photographs by understanding simple compositional techniques. As Ansel Adams said, “You don’t take a photograph, you make it”.

Phillip ODell

Mark Holden

Mark has been a professional Artist in Scotland since 2002 when he started his career in St.Andrews. He has exhibited in Galleries in Scotland and the UK and undertaken commission works in Arnhem Hospital Holland and for a variety of clients in Europe. He also coaches Art Groups in Scotland and, later this year, Italy.

Mark works with Oils, Acrylics, and Watercolours. Subjects include Scottish landscapes, classic cars, golf courses, and skiing. Mark likes to work on commissions for clients and has had several recently used in new house-build projects as feature artwork.

Discover Painting holidays with Mark here.

Mark Holden painting tutor

All your questions answered

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