The Art of Travel Exhibition showcases some of the best artwork of our Amicis. Have a look at some of the art and photographs created on our painting holidays and photography holidays. If you wish to purchase any of the art below please contact the Flavours Office by email – or by calling us on 0131 343 2500.
We are supporting Maggies. Maggie’s is a charity providing free cancer support and information in centres across the UK and online.

Loch Lomond – Scotland (£69)
“There is a lone statue in a field, not looking at the view but at the sky. As I stand by its side, I am reminded that our perception of the world is largely conditioned by our environment. The statue is unclothed and alone. I ask, “What is this life if you stand alone? Why am I here? What are you thinking? What do you see? Where are we going? When will it end? What will we do? The statue tells me that it is not alone. It reminds me of self-awareness. Every action calls for a reaction. I imagine it sings of an International Youth Conference I attended in Germany in 1961 and of strangers we meet on holidays, Talk together. Overcome prejudices. Understand one another. Act responsibly. Maggies’ Care tells me…we are not alone!”
Beautiful view – Loch Lomond (£69)
“I was inspired to paint the beautiful view to remind me of my Flavours holiday in Loch Lomond where the scenery was stunning and tutoring exceptional The medium is watercolour.”

“Storm at Ardoch” – Loch Lomond, Scotland (£69)
“Painted on a Flavours Holiday at Ardoch, Loch Lomond in September 2021. A big storm was brewing over Loch Lomond when the sun broke through briefly to light up the Loch. This is an acrylic on-paper piece. Tutor – Mark Holden.”
Old Mill Wheel – Dean Village, Scotland (£49)
“This is a watercolour painting. Walking along the Waters of Leith looking for a subject. The weather looked a bit threatening and I was conveniently outside Flavours Office, which was practically empty due to the pandemic. I set up inside, borrowed a saucer to draw the circle and painted from sketches. Probably a picture with the shortest distance travelled in the Exhibition.”

The Starburst photo – Edinburgh (£69)
“This was taken at ‘Christmas at Edinburgh Botanical Garden’ 2022 accompanied by Mark we were able to enjoy this light show as part of a Flavours Festive Fling. I had recently updated my phone and it was a great opportunity to try out new shots and techniques.”
Aberfeldy October 2021 – Art Course (£69)
“I have found Mark to be a very encouraging mentor and he has enabled me to become more aware of photo opportunities in general and the ways to enhance the end product. At this time of year, the autumn colours amidst the Birks of Aberfeldy can be spectacular, particularly when bathed in October sunshine. In this photograph, I was trying to capture the tranquil atmosphere of a general woodland scene. For inspiration, look no further than our national Bard Robbie Burns, who was sufficiently moved by his experience there to compose a poem in honour of the Birks! “

The bank of the River Leith – Scotland (£49)
“This painting was created using mixed media. It is of the bank of the River Leith in Edinburgh. Inspired by the colours of Scotland and the historical buildings standing by the edge of the water.”
Carlowrie Castle Hotel – West Lothian, Scotland (£49)
“The blue watercolour is of Carlowrie Castle Hotel where I stayed on a Flavours Holiday. Its tall towers and interesting architecture made it a stimulating subject.”

The Art of Travel exhibition has been a vehicle to not only showcase some of the amazing artwork by our Amici but also, more importantly, to support and highlight the amazing work that Maggie’s does. Maggie’s is a charity providing free cancer support and information in centres across the UK and online and is very close to our hearts. Please contact us should you want to purchase any of the art above; the art is a print of the original and comes framed.
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